Why is it important to share your salvation story?
Psalm 105:1 “Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.”
Missy – I was bound in addiction, but one day Jesus called my name. Jesus came through the darkness and set me free.
Ashton – I had always been in church but finally realized I was lost. I went to Jesus and let Him all the way in
Charles – I’m a recovering alcoholic addict, it took me five years before I turned my life over to God.
Chierra – God came into my life in 2003 and He changed everything. He’s healed my mind. He’s healed those places in my heart that I thought would never be ok.
Derek – For most of my life, I was lord of my life. I lost everything. I surrendered my life to God and He became Lord of my life.
Jonathan – Because of rejection and hurt, I turned to drugs. I lived a lifetime of hating myself and allowing failures and mistakes to define me. The Lord loves us despite of who we are. When I surrendered to Him, my eyes were open and He filled my heart with His love.