When you need hope, you are touched with the message of Christ as you listen to KSWP. The message of Christ always touches lives that need hope. That message is found on KAVX. It’s in the Christian teaching and talk programs! You hear it in the weekend praise music. It’s in the lives of the […]
Everybody depends on somebody else. For instance, you go to the grocery store to get a jug of milk. You depend on the grocery to have it in stock. The grocer depends on the distributer to deliver it and the distributer depends on the supplier to supply it to them. The supplier is depending on […]
91.9 KAVX where you get exactly what you expect. You get Christian teaching and talk programs! You’re never disappointed when you listen. You hear the right message at the right time. The best part… when you need hope you hear the message of Christ. It’s in the teaching programs. You hear it in the sermons! […]